Balancing advertising and content in an age of fake news with The Week

Balancing advertising and content in an age of fake news with The Week

A while ago I was invited to produce some designs and concepts for The Week  - specifically their new online presence. I'd done work on their tablet and mobile app concepts - I'd even worked on some of their print based special projects - but this one was harder. Redefine new AD environments. Put imagery first. But hardest of all was trying to define The Week online. Here is a print title that defines itself by it's weekly retrospective on the previous weeks news. It's old news effectively, made new through considered and often complex hindsight. So how do you interpret that to an environment where the new, the immediate and the simple is encouraged? Grids, timelines and new AD formats? And before you ask - yes it was responsive. In fact the mobile views even had a daily podcast download ability that could be geo-fenced.  

Creating frameworks for gamifying experience design

Creating frameworks for gamifying experience design

Building flexible online experiences for Somethin' Else

Building flexible online experiences for Somethin' Else